Now open in Chicago IL. Place an order today!
LUNCHMEETING25 - 25% off your first order*
LUNCHREWARDS earn 2,500 Rewards Points!*
*Valid only at Chicago Corporate Caterers

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Now open in Chicago IL. Place an order today!
LUNCHMEETING25 - 25% off your first order*
LUNCHREWARDS earn 2,500 Rewards Points!*
*Valid only at Chicago Corporate Caterers

Corporate Caterers

Miami, Florida

Catering FAQs

If you’ve ever inquired about catering, 尤其是在你的活动或办公室聚会上, it’s natural to want to know more. From what type of food items, we offer to how much time before the event, 客人可以放心,他们的用餐体验将是崇高的. 以下是一些常见的问题和答案!
There’s no need! Every catering order includes delivery.
送货费用因地区而异. The details for the Miami location may be found here.
Yes, your delivery includes guest ware. For tables you provide us to set up, we also provide plates, napkins, silverware, service utensils, and linen.
Although our crew does not stay to serve, we do deliver, set up, clean up, and pack the leftovers for you!
我们的菜单上有烤/蒸蔬菜、蔬菜卷、米饭、沙拉和意大利面. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的完整菜单.
We cater to groups of 10 or more people; thus menu packages are offered per person.
我们很遗憾地通知您,我们不能保证我们的食品不含麸质. We do, however, 为麸质不耐受或遵循麸质减少饮食的人提供各种无麸质和减少麸质选择. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的完整菜单.
Please contact your location for details
Our menu selections are available here. 请与我们联系,我们将很乐意为您提供报价!
We can accommodate groups of ten or more.
我们的加勒比鸡肉和法吉塔是我们最受欢迎的两道菜. 我们保证,两种选择你都不会不满意.
对坚果过敏的人只能选择水果沙拉. 对于由此造成的不便,我们深表歉意.

Let's collaborate on lunch

与“餐饮教练”联系,减轻下次会议的压力. 保持联系,了解更多信息,讨论菜单选项,并开始计划今天.

Testament from those who’ve tasted.

Why we’re America’s Favorite Office Caterer.

25年来,我们一直在兑现我们的承诺,做最新鲜的, 为全国各地的办公室提供最美味的饭菜. 我们说的是人们喜欢的早餐和午餐. 正因如此,我们才成为全美最受欢迎的办公室宴会承办商.
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